
On July 24, Google officially released Chrome 68.

With new features and security enhancements, Chrome continues to leverage its dominance of the browser market to fuel a...

Dedicated IP vs Shared IP

Shared vs Dedicated IPs Este artículo explicará las diferencias entre una IP Compartida y Dedicada. IP compartida (Shared IP) Cada…

How to see the statistics of the visits received on your website from cPanel

Para saber el numero de usuarios que visitan tu sitio web así como las paginas y estadística general segmentado por…

What is WHOIS?

Es un protocolo TCP basado en petición/respuesta que se utiliza para efectuar consultas en una base de datos que permite…

Free SSL certificate for all AndeanHost customers!

Since January 2017, all accounts hosted on AndeanHost servers have a free and valid 100% SSL certificate;…

cPanel AutoSSL – Free and automatic SSL for all domains

AutoSSL va a cambiar la manera en que los webmasters protegen los datos transferidos desde y hacia sus paginas web.…

How to create email accounts using cPanel?

To create an email account "corporate mail" ( from your cPanel administration, follow these steps: Enter…

How to clean accumulated mail using cPanel

Can't access your inbox in Webmail? "Corporate mail exceeded Quota" How to solve the error "Internal Server...

YouTube finally supports vertical videos on Android

Con la gran cantidad de usuarios que usan YouTube desde sus celulares y con la gran cantidad de videos verticales, YouTube…

This April 21st is your last chance to optimize your website "Mobile Friendly"

For years now, mobile usability has been a factor in Google's organic search algorithm. Pages…

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