
How to clean accumulated mail using cPanel

Can't access your inbox in Webmail? "Corporate mail exceeded Quota" How to solve the error "Internal Server...

IE (Internet Explorer) is not the most used browser

Internet Explorer is not the most used browser, says StatCounter while Market Share puts IE in the first place;…

10 ideas to develop a web page

1. Choose a good domain name: Choosing a short and precise domain is very important for CEOs and easy…

Is Adobe Flash finally dead?

FLASH is finally dead... Well, the name anyway. Adobe Flash Professional next year will be called Animate CC, and…

Windows 10: 6 reasons to upgrade your PC

From this Wednesday, July 29, you can update your Windows for free. Here we list some of the…

YouTube finally supports vertical videos on Android

With the large number of users who use YouTube from their cell phones and with the large number of vertical videos, YouTube…

This April 21st is your last chance to optimize your website "Mobile Friendly"

For years now, mobile usability has been a factor in Google's organic search algorithm. Pages…

What color is this dress?

The topic became a trend. The company that made the dress announced the original color "Blue and Black"...

How to get Facebook User ID

To find your Facebook ID, simply go to the following page: { "id": "4", "first_name": "Mark", "gender": "male", …

Google Earth Pro is now completely free

The premium version of Google's popular software, Google Earth, is now available on its website for free...

Flash is dead: YouTube moves to HTML5 as its main technology

YouTube has announced this Wednesday that from now on its default web video player will be HTML5 and…

New Google reCAPTCHA

Google announced a new service to prevent spam and attacks on your website. He calls it "NO CAPTCHA…

Microsoft officially announces “Project Spartan”, the new web browser for Windows 10

Several recent reports have mentioned that Microsoft was willing to leave Internet Explorer behind and introduce a new browser to…

How to delay sending emails in Outlook

Does Outlook allow you to delay sending emails? This option can be very useful in two cases: it allows you…

How to create a Bootable USB Drive to Install Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1?

Bootable USB: Freeware to Create Bootable USB, Install Windows from Flash Memory (USB) Imagine a situation where you have…

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