cPanel AutoSSL – SSL gratuito y automático para todos los dominios

cPanel AutoSSL – Free and automatic SSL for all domains

AutoSSL is going to change the way webmasters protect data transferred to and from their web pages.

For a long time the ssl certificate It was an additional expense that many webmasters decided to ignore since it was not necessary for the operation of their web pages; In general, the SSL certificate was reserved for the use of those sites that send or receive private information such as your name, address, email and phone number or even your credit card information.

"NOT having an SSL certificate is coming to an end for most web pages" Google and other search engines are already giving preferable rankings to sites with SSL. cPanel has taken a big step and created what they call AutoSSL. AutoSSL generates and installs a validated SSL certificate on all active domains and subdomains on a server that are not yet protected with SSL.

Benefits of cPanel AutoSSL:

  • Installation is automatic with no forms to fill out.
  • No more validation emails, no waiting times, and no more links to click to approve the certificate.
  • No more certificates to copy and paste into place.
  • The certification will not expire because SSL is automatically renewed and installed.
  • SSL is completely free and the encryption is as strong as a paid certificate.

You may or may not be familiar with the process of issuing an SSL Certificate but in general most certificates are validated by domain or subdomain. This means when you request the certificate from a certification authority either AC, it will usually validate the request by sending an email to a specified email on the domain or by checking for the existence of a file with a very specific name.
AutoSSL is completely automatic and requires no human input and as such uses the file method for domain validation. AutoSSL will create files within the document root of the appropriate domain and pass those file names to the CA and the CA will validate the SSL request upon uploading the file.

How to activate AutoSSL and start using SSL

AutoSSL is a fantastic feature and everyone is already looking forward to making it available to their customers at no additional cost, but it doesn't mean your site will automatically use SSL though. AutoSSL installs a certificate and key pair on the web server, but if you want to use it you have to activate it via .htaccess or check with your hosting provider.

Step 1: Identify that your hosting has the .well-known directory, it must be located in the public_html directory, if it is not located, check with your hosting provider.
Step 2: Add these lines in your .htaccess document to perform the correct redirection from http:// to https://
Rewrite Engine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}



