¡Certificado SSL gratis para todos los clientes de AndeanHost!

Free SSL certificate for all AndeanHost customers!

Since January 2017, all accounts hosted on the servers of AndeanHost They have a free SSL certificate and a valid 100%; This makes your web page accessible via HTTPS. and therefore with data encryption in a totally secure way.

Free HTTPS on all your domains and subdomains

The free SSL certificate is already installed by default on your web hosting, but HTTPS access is disabled. Therefore, if you want your website to be accessible via HTTPS, you will have to activate this possibility from the cPanel of your account.

HTTPS access is disabled to avoid any kind of negative interference on your website. The fact that a website that works on HTTPS is good for SEO positioning but the transition from HTTP to HTTPS must be done correctly, otherwise it can have negative effects.

Using HTTPS over HTTP has multiple advantages, so our recommendation is that you stop using HTTP and move to using HTTPS. The main advantages are:

  • Improve the privacy of your users and the information you share.
  • Improve search engine positioning or SEO.
  • The browser Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge among others highlight your website as Safe, which implies an improvement in the confidence that the user has in your website.

Is this certificate as good and recommendable as the paid ones?

The best-known payment certificates are: Comodo, Geotrust and RapidSSL. These SSL certificates were essential to be able to activate HTTPS/SSL on our web pages.

Currently things have changed and there are free options to obtain type certificates "domain validated” for free, AndeanHost takes advantage of these options to offer its customers free SSL certificates.

The certificates that AndeanHost offers for free are issued by cPanel, Inc. "AutoSSL" and are just as good as the paid ones, although compared to Comodo or GeoTrust certificates, they do not provide the "trust" component of these. There are reasons in which free certificates are not convenient or cannot be used, mainly in these cases:

  • The payment gateway is not compatible with our implementation, that is, it requires a payment SSL certificate and a dedicated IP address.
  • If you have an "e-commerce" virtual store, it is likely that you should have a Comodo or Geotrust certificate instead of a free one to improve trust.
  • Internet Explorer users on Windows XP will not be able to access your website via HTTPS, since this browser does not support SNI. Therefore, if you need to support these users, it is better that you do not activate HTTPS or that you contract a dedicated IP address.

How to activate free HTTPS in my account?

  1. Identify that your hosting has the ".well-known" directory, it must be located within the "public_html" directory, in case you do not locate it, consult your hosting provider through a ticket.
  2. Verify that your website works perfectly via HTTPS. To do this, it is best to review the errors that are shown in the tab Console from your web browser's developer tools.
  3. Once confirmed that there are no errors, change the setting to force HTTPS adding the following lines of code to your .htaccess document
Rewrite Engine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}



