10 ideas para desarrollar una página web

10 ideas to develop a web page

1. Choose a good domain name: Choosing a short and precise domain is very important for CEO and easy to remember for your clients.

2. Have a good plan: You have to start with a good strategy. Not all websites are large, but even if it is a small project, it is worth anticipating future growth paths. It is recommended to carry out an initial study of the needs, content analysis, see the connection to other services, and analyze the interaction and navigability on the web.

3. Choose the tools well: Starting a web page that should grow over time with a blogging tool is like wanting to use a great content manager to display a simple restaurant menu. It would be necessary to dimension the web to understand what type of tools are required before starting. Nor should we be carried away by fashions, whether they are technological or by the enthusiasm of undertaking something.

4. Build in small pieces and improve: Having a great plan may seem very interesting, but it is difficult to imagine the total dimension of the project at the beginning. Therefore, it is better to approach the project in parts. It is easier to improve what has been seen and what has already been built, than to try to create something enormous that cannot yet be covered.

5. Rehearse and advance to steps that can be assumed: Sometimes the rush to finish a project does not allow us to conclude the correct functioning of a section. A website is usually a living thing like many others in any organization and not every idea will always have the expected result, especially in participatory websites. In these cases, it is worth innovating in a section whose impact can then be assumed by the organization.

6. Be clear that not everything I want can be done: Many times you have too ambitious a perspective or too low a budget to meet expectations, especially when we work with software. Integrating that concept into work can be difficult. Even if you have the power to build great solutions, you won't always have the budget or the schedule. In this sense, it is best to refer to the initial plan to know where you want to get realistically.

7. Give each part its importance: In the field of digital production, computing often surprises us by making easy things that we imagined to be very difficult and turning out that some that we imagined to be easy turn out to be very complex. In this case, it is best to give each part its importance and not obsess over developing features that are very complex for us when, at the same time, we can benefit from including a few that are simpler.

8. Understand the utility of each technology: There are many technologies in the field of web production: programming languages, hosting elements, the visual layer, 'backend' and 'frontend' programming, etc. For this reason, it is impossible for someone to manage and integrate all these technologies at the same time, but it is necessary to take into account as many as possible. In general, it's best to work with a programmer who takes the big picture and uses the most complete strategy possible.

9. Structure the content well: Content is the most important part of any website. Through this we find out what is happening, what they are explaining to us or what the promoter of the platform wants to demonstrate. For this reason, Innodus assures that communicating is an art and programming is a science, but knowing how to combine both, to organize everything that is wanted to be exhibited, is the mission.

10. Concentrate efforts: Finding the way to give the best response with the least number of means not only has economic advantages, but also organizational ones. It will be better to use two providers than seven, it will be better to develop in four technologies than in twenty. Finally, it will always be better to trust and work as a team.



